About Me

I'm 21, from Argentina. I study computer sciences at Universidad Nacional del Sur, and I'm a League of Legends player.
Summoner Name: xKiwix
Elo: 1500+
Pretty regular player, mid Elo, but hopefully I can help on the basics! Teaching is great for clearing concepts, and also I can learn from comments and criticism, so entries can be more accurate.
About LoL... I play mostly AP Carries, Jungle and Support, I hate playing tank, and I don't really like playing AD carries, but I play any role needed.

My favourite....
AP carries, in no particular: Orianna, Annie, Katarina, Nidalee and Lux
AD carries: Ezreal, Ashe and Caytlin
Junglers: Shaco, Nocturne, Warwick
Support: Sona, Soraka
Tank: Alistar, Amumu, Nunu