LoL Golden Rules

These are some basic rules which help lots to general gameplay.
  1. Learn to farm, farming is really important, is the most secure and sustainable way of gettin gold, 80 cs by 10 minutes is ok.
  2. One for one is not worth it, unless it's first blood. Normally you see many people diving to kill an enemy just to die after, this is bad.
  3. Learn to harass. Poke the enemy when they are about to last hit, if you are ranged, works nicely.
  4. Don't overextend if you don't have wards.
  5. Try to control Dragon, get the timer, and ward it. If you are a jungler, getting a pink ward for Dragon is usually a good idea.
  6. Tower kills are more important than champion kills.
  7. Communicate, be a leader, say what you think your team should do, warn them if they overextend
  8. If you want to win don't insult your team, you can rage all you want, just dont type until you are 100% sure you are gonna lose
  9. Ward, get wards!
  10. If you want to win, pick what your team needs, not what you feel like playing. Also be able to play all roles.
  11. Know your champion, it can take several games to feel comfortable and use it nicely. If you can play two or three champions per role, and play them nicely, you'll be a great element for your team.
  12. Don't get cocky, take every advantage you have, even when it's an easy game, take baron, dragons, steal their buffs, do everything, don't let anything to chance.
  13. Normally when the enemy team get aced and your team pushes until they are all up, and all your team has to b, they will baron, don't let them baron.
  14. When you find someone overextending in lategame, and you go to kill him, b afterwards immediatly, you will have all their team on you if you keep pushing.
Let me know on the comments if you think something should be added n_n

POSTED BY gosukiwi

2 Responses to : LoL Golden Rules

  1. Unknown says:

    Nice tips!

    Can I translate it to Portuguese and post on my blog adding your link and reference?

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